In a patriarchal society, where a woman takes care of the household without pay, there are as many women as can be counted on the fingers, even if they work, they are exploited there. These feminist writings highlight all the gender issues that women face today. In such a society, a woman will not be able to develop individually or collectively, nor will her role be developed.
In this book, selected Nariwadi writings have been translated into Sindhi language and arranged. This first book by Ramsha Bhanbharo is published by Mokhi Publication Moro.
Publisher's note
Women: In Search of a Healthy Society
Women and Pakistani Society
Gender, nationality, caste and religion in our society
I am a woman (interview)
Bones and Chains (Drama)
I'm Not a Feminist (Poem)
Name: Orat (Woman)
Writer: Ramsha Bhanbhro
Book No: 07
Published by: Mokhi Publication