Aslam Khairpuri talking about 04 March 1967 (Student Struggle Day) | Mokhi Media

04 March is celebrated as Student Struggle Day in Sindh. In 1967, the day of the movement by the students of the University of Sindh, in which the students were attacked by the police, the students were subjected to severe violence, many students were injured with sticks and tear gas and more than two hundred students were arrested.
During the period of 1967, the students had left their influence on all classes of politics in Sindh, when the ban on writing Sindhi and studying Sindhi and due to the unification of Sindh completely became a part of Punjab, the students raised their awareness of their right, the slogan of their struggle. "Remove the commissioner of Hyderabad", the students started a great movement and the movement against the commissioner of Hyderabad became the national movement of Sindh. On March 4, 1967, the police cracked down on the protest of the students of Hyderabad and severely tortured the students.
The result of these sacrifices of the students was that the unity of the people was formed. It was the student politics that empowered and encouraged the national movement in Sindh and brought the whole nation together in the national movement.
GM Syed was inspired by the passion and sacrifice of the students and put the burden of independent Sindh on the students and in his first speech after the slogan of independence in the University of Sindh, he clearly said that “I have tried the nobles, nobles, feudal lords of Sindh. That is why I have brought the case of Sindh before you students.” GM Syed, after observing the great experiences of history, came to the conclusion that if anyone can inherit and own Sindh, they are the youth and students. After that, it happened that the youth and students of Sindh not only moved the wheel of history forward but also gave new twists and turns to this historical process.
In the following video, the Chairman of Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (ARESAR) Aslam Khairpuri gave a lecture in the program titled "04th March Student Struggle" by JSSF Center in Sajawal.

Aslam Khairpuri talking about 04 March 1967 (Student Struggle Day)
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